Bath Mill Lodge Retreat

Bath Mill Lodge Retreat

Located: Campsites in Bath, Somerset

If you’re keen to immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of buzzing Bath and need a permanent home away from home, consider setting up base at Bath Mill Lodge Retreat. The site has progressed from a camping and caravanning site to offer exceptional escapes in a collection of well-appointed, tastefully-furnished holiday homes. Guests tired of wrestling with tent pegs or sleeping on uneven ground can savour the thrills of nearly every home comfort in these spacious and airy abodes. Stretch your legs on a peaceful walk along a sparkling stream, and observe a variety of local wildlife, including mallards, woodpeckers, squirrels and owls. The site offers static holiday homes only and welcomes well-behaved canine companions. Explore a utopia within Kent at Bath Mill Lodge Retreat.

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Map showing Bath Mill Lodge Retreat location.

Other local campsites can be found in: Newbridge, Twerton, Newton St Loe, Southdown, Kelston, Oldfield Park and Westmoreland

How to Book Bath Mill Lodge Retreat

The campsite doesn't share their calendar with us at this time. Availability changes fast, especially when the weather's good, so it's a great idea to contact the owners if you are interested in booking a trip. Give them a call using the number below.

How to Book Bath Mill Lodge Retreat




2 Adults

The campsite doesn't share their calendar with us at this time. Availability changes fast, especially when the weather's good, so it's a great idea to contact the owners if you are interested in booking a trip. Drop them a message through Camperbug.


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Sending a message is not a commitment to book. The campsite will either reply on Camperbug or email you direct

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Some nearby campsites below


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Popular Camping Towns Nearby

Nearby towns and the campsites near them: Bath, Bitton, Radstock, Norton Saint Philip, Clutton, Bradford On Avon, Westerleigh, Buckland Dinham, and Winford

Other local campsites can be found in: Newbridge, Twerton, Newton St Loe, Southdown, Kelston, Oldfield Park, and Westmoreland

Campervans and Motorhomes Nearby

Nearby towns with Campervans: Spike Island, Trowbridge, Old Sodbury, chipping sodbury, Ashwick, Frome, and Melksham

Other nearby campervan locations: Bathavon, Charlcombe, Corston, Englishcombe, Weston, Bathwick Hill, Widcombe, and Bloomfield